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Julienne Dallara

A physical disability is a life changing event. For Julienne, like many others, it happened suddenly, and through a rare disease (Transverse Myelitis) she went from an international career as a singer/dancer/actress to a a single mother facing all new mobility and lifestyle challenges almost overnight.

Out of necessity, she learned to quickly identify life adaptations that would work. This became easier as she met with others with disabilities through her work selling disability vehicles in Southern California. Her networking skills led her to be invited to be the first wheelchair user to work at the Abilities Expo and this exposure to a broader audience of people with disabilities served as the springboard for her new career path.

For over 20 years Julienne has worked in the disability industry, travelling nationally as a peer counselor, community advocate, writer, speaker, and trainer. Through her own life changing event she has found a passion that has fueled a career in helping others with disabilities. Her goal is to share knowledge, solutions and hope.